Folic acid

Photo Courtesy: American Pregnancy Association

In 1988 folic acid was added to bread, pasta, cereal, cookies and crackers as required by federal law. Folic acid is a form of vitamin B, to be specific vitamin B9.

Folic acid can be easily found in natural foods such as – leafy vegetables, okra, beans, mushrooms, brussel sprouts, broccoli, tomato juice, orange juice, eggs, animal liver and kidney.

Folic acid deficiencies include – extreme tiredness, lack of energy, mouth ulcers, muscle weakness, heart problems, psychological problems such as depression, confusion and neural tube defects.

CDC implores women to consume 400 mcg of folic acid for those considering reproduction in order to prevent birth defects such as anencephaly and spina bifida.

A research study finds that folic acid reduces incidents of neural tube defects in infants.

Make wise choices and have a balanced diet! 💚

Burnout – A quick guide

Photo Courtesy: Luis Villasmil

Burnout has started to become more recognized over the years. The term burnout was coined by Dr Herbert Freudenberger in his book Burnout in 1974. He defined it as — ” the extinction of motivation or incentive, especially where one’s devotion to a cause or relationship fails to produce a desired result. “

Burnout is well recognized and has a medical diagnosis by ICD-11 and WHO. Occurs when our brain and body responds to prolonged stress and feel discouraged and exhausted. It impacts our ability to perform, become highly – critical of oneself and overwhelmed/ irritable.

Here are 5 signs that can help you identify burnout:

1. Inability to sleep adequately/ insomnia/ trouble sleeping

2. Exhaustion

3. Feelings of negativism, or cynicism relating to job

4. Lack of accomplishment and sense of ineffectiveness

5. Brain fog

If you or someone you know is experiencing these signs, I would suggest to take time and seek for early identification and eliminate those stressors. Early intervention is always a good idea.

Stay healthy and happy!

Rewire Your Brain from Complaining to Compassion

Photo Courtesy: Celine Sayuri Tagami

Remember a day when you just got frustrated with anything to anyone. It could be something at work that engages you for hours and you come home with thoughts that just makes you feel irritatable.

We all have days which aren’t just as sunny. But while I say that it’s important to not forget that all days aren’t rainy either. It’s just like a spectrum which has variations and of course variables.

You will be surprised to know that too much complaining has a negative impact. The more you practice it the more your brain gets rewired. A research from Standford University has shown that — complaining shrinks the hippocampus. Hippocampus is the area of brain that is responsible for critical thinking, learning and memory. 🧠

Here are 2 ways and you can choose either:

1. Shift your perspective towards things you are grateful for because complaining won’t get you anywhere either. Complaining sometimes leads to release of cortisol, too much release of cortisol is not good on a long term. So, try to cultivate an attitude that helps you.

2. Complain but with a solution-orientation. Think about why you are complaining and how can it be resolved. Try to identify the purpose, what are the different ways of looking at it and what are the ways to get over it. Obviously, it’s not a day thing but try a constructive manner.

And lastly, excess of anything always results in danger☠️. When you see yourself engaging in complaining, remind yourself to stop and break the wiring.

Have a wonderful week! 🌻

Music Can Improve Mental Health

Photo Courtesy: Avi Naim

Music can make anyone feel better. Whether it is playing a music in the background while working or while taking a tea break. There is a personal preference for the choice of music. Sometimes you may like hip hop, rock, jazz, country or indie.

The good part is that music acts positively on your mental health. Research shows that music can improve mental conditions such as depression, trauma, anxiety and more. It helps individuals process his/her emotions. Besides, acts as calming agents and improve in management of symptoms.

Weekends are a good way to utilize time and listening to your favorites. Here are some of my favorites from YouTube:

1. April 2022 Indie Folk

2. Zariya

3. Landslide

4. Chaand baaliyan

5. Blue jeans

Hoping that you all have a musical weekend! 🎶

Plants You Can Grow This Summer

While plants makes anyone feel really good. It’s often tough when it comes to maintaining.

Here are 3 plants you can grow easily if you’re planning on having a small plant on your coffee table or one in your balcony to keep it minimalistic yet beautiful.

1. Marigold

Photo Courtesy: Jkiwi

Marigolds are easy to grow and low on maintenance. Just sow the seeds in any soil and keep it on your window pane which gets enough sunshine if you’re planning indoors or in your balcony and water it when you see the soil above dry. The seeds will germinate in 7-15 days.

2. Indian Borage

Photo Courtesy: Google Images

It’s called ajwain in India and seeds are available in any Indian household. The leaves of this plant are aromatic and perennial herb. It’s widely used in kitchen in India. Sow the seeds few inches deep in a pot. Keep the soil moist and can do good in partial sunlight. The seeds germinate within 7-10 days.

3. Mint

Photo Courtesy: Eleanor Chen

If you are someone who loves mint. Then just plant one for yourself. Get some mint which has stem. Put in a jar filled with water. You can keep it anywhere indoors or outside which gets shade. Let the roots mature and pot it. Do not plant it in open in garden because it spreads really quick. They look beautiful in water and do fairly well.

Do tell me which one are you planning to plant this summer?